Cheat sheet for Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code

Handy Shortcuts (Linux)

^K^S Shortcuts list
^⇧F Search in the project
^⇧N Opens a new instance of VS Code
^⇧I Format code
^E Search for a file in a project
^P Search for a file in all projects
^N Open a new unsaved file

Handy Shortcuts (Mac)

⌘ p Go to file
⌘ w Close a tab
⌘ K ⌘ S Shortcuts list
⌥ ⌘ F Replace
⇧ ⌥ F Code format
F12 Go to definition (interface, implementation)
⌘ click Go to definition (interface, implementation)
⌘ ⌥ click Go to definition in split
⌥ F12 Find the callers
⇧ F12 Find the callers
F2 Rename
⌘ T Go to files including frameworks
⌃G Go to line
⇧ ⌘ F Search in all files
⌘ b Open close side bar


Complete shortcut list