Cheat sheet for IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA

Handy Shortcuts (Linux)

^⇧A Open action bar to do anything
^⇧F10 Run a single test
^⇧N Find a file
^⇧F Search in the project
^G Go to line
^E Show a list of recently opened files
⎇↵ Improve optimization
^Space Auto completion
^W Select a word
^⇧W Deselect a word
^/ Comment lines each with a single line
^⇧/ Comment lines within a single block
⇧⇧ Search everywhere
^H Show the class hierarchy
^⎇O Organize imports
^F12 Show all methods of the current file
^⇧↑↓ Move a block of code (method) up or down
^Y Delete the current line
⎇⎀ Open generate menu
^❖⎇L Organize the code structure
^⎇H Show the places a method is called
^B Go to the declaration
^❖⎇←→ Back/Forward to previous/next places in the files
⇧F6 Refactor code and apply to all files. Useful for batch rename of methods
⎇7 Show method definitions

Complete shortcut list