Vim Key Bindings



Moving to right, left, up, and down

Moving right

l Moves the cursor to right
2l Moves the cursor two characters to right
nl Moves the cursor n characters to right

Moving left

h Moves the cursor to left
2h Moves the cursor two characters to left
nh Moves the cursor n characters to left

Moving up

k Moves the cursor to up
2k Moves the cursor two characters to up
nk Moves the cursor n characters to up
gk Move the cursor to a virtual line up

Moving down

j Moves the cursor to down
2j Moves the cursor two characters to down
nj Moves the cursor n characters to down
gj Moves the cursor to a virtual line down

Moving to the beginning and the end of the line/file

gg Jumps to the beginning of the file
G Jumps to the end of the file
I Jumps to the beginning of the line and switches to insert mode
A Jumps to the end of the line and switches to insert mode
0 Jumps to the beginning of the line but remains in the normal mode
$ Jumps to the end of the line but remains in the normal mode

Moving forward and backward word by word

w Moves forward by a word which cursor stops at the first character of the word
2w Moves forward two words which cursor stops at the first character of the word
nw Moves forward n words which cursor stops at the first character of the word
e Moves forward by a word which cursor stops at the last character of the word
2e Moves forward by two words which cursor stops at the last character of the word
ne Moves forward by n words which cursor stops at the last character of the word
b Moves backward by a word
2b Moves backward by two words
nb Moves backward by n words

Moving forward and backward sentence by sentence

) Moves forward by a sentence without leaving normal mode
( Moves backward by a sentence without leaving normal mode

Moving forward and backward paragraph by paragraph

} Moves forward by a paragraph without leaving normal mode
{ Moves backward by a paragraph without leaving normal mode

Moving forward and backward page by page

Ctrl + f Moves forward by a page without leaving normal mode
Ctrl + b Moves backward by a page without leaving normal mode
Ctrl + d Moves forward by a half page without leaving normal mode (page down)
Ctrl + u Moves backward by a half page without leaving normal mode (page up)

Moving beginning and end the document

[ Move to the beginning of the document
] Moves to the end of the document

Moving back and forth in code

% Move to the matching bracket or parentheses

Moving back and forth in Insert mode


Including inserting a line and switching to insert mode

Line insertion

o Inserts a line below of the current line and moves the cursor to the beginning of the line
O Insert a line above of the current line and moves the cursor to the beginning of the line
r + enter Break the current line to the new line which moves all the text to the next line. It does not switch to insert mode

Line insertion helper

Enter Insert a line below of the current line but does not switches to Insert mode
[ + Space Insert a line above of the current line but does not switches to Insert mode

Switching to Insert mode

i Switches to Insert mode, does not change cursor position
a Switches to Insert mode, moves the cursor one character forward

Indentation insertion

> Adds a tab, usually eight characters
< Removes a tab, usually eight characters

Cut, Copy, Paste, Selection, Undo and Redo operations

Cut (Delete), Copy (Yank) and Paste

yy Yanks the current line
2yy Yanks two lines
nyy Yanks n lines
pp Pastes the yanked line(s)
x Cuts the current character on the cursor
r Replaces the current character without going to Insert mode.
dd Cuts the current line
2dd Cuts two lines
ndd Cuts n lines
dw Cuts a word if the cursor is at the beginning of the word
2dw Cuts two words if the cursor is at the beginning of the word
ndw Cuts n words if the cursor is at the beginning of the word
diw Cuts a word regardless of the cursor position, but keeps white spaces
daw Cuts a word regardless of the cursor position and removes white spaces
cw Cuts a word and switches to Insert mode
ciw Cuts a word regardless of the cursor position, but keeps white spaces and switches to Insert mode
caw Cuts a word regardless of the cursor position and removes white spaces and switches to Inert mode
das Cuts around a sentence
dap Cuts around a paragraph
d$/D Cuts from the current cursor position until the end of the line

Selection (Visual Mode)

V Selects the entire of the current line
v Switches to visual mode

Undo and Redo

u Does undo
Ctrl + r** or **. Does redo


J Joins the next line to the current line

Moving screen without moving the cursor

zz Bring the current line to the middle of the screen
zt Bring the current line to the top of the screen
zb Bring the current line to the bottom of the screen

Copying content of another file

:r another-file.txt Copies the whole content


Create split

Ctrl + w + s Horizontal split
:sp Horizontal split
:split Horizontal split
Ctrl + w + v Vertical split
:vsp Vertical split
:vsplit Vertical split

Split opening files

:sp [fileName] Open a file in horizontal split
:vsp [fileName] Open a file in vertical split

Cycle through splits

Ctrl + w + w Go to the next split
Ctrl + w + l Go to split on the right
Ctrl + w + h Go to split on the left
Ctrl + w + j Go to split on the bottom
Ctrl + w + k Go to split on the top
Ctrl + w + t Go to most top split
Ctrl + w + b Go to most bottom split
Ctrl + w + p Go to previous split


:resize 20 Resize horizontally a split to 20
:resize -20 Resize horizontally a split to 20 less
:resize +20 Resize horizontally a split to 20 more
:vertical resize 10 Resize vertical a split to 10
:vertical resize -10 Resize vertical a split to 10 less
:vertical resize +10 Resize vertical a split to 10 more
Ctrl + w + = Reset resize
Ctrl + w + _ Maximize vertically
Ctrl + w + | Maximize horizontally
Ctrl + w + <> Resize vertical split
Ctrl + w + += Resize horizontal split

Split placement

Ctrl + w + x Swap the current split position with the next
:set splitright Open split on right side
Ctrl + w + r Rotate a split down
Ctrl + w + R Rotate a split up (clockwise)

Nerd Tree

File opening

o Open in prev window
go Preview
t Open in a new tab
T Open in a new tab silently
i Open split
gi Preview split
s Open vsplit
gs Preview vsplit

File manager

o Open and close a tree
t Open a new file manager in a new tab
T Open a new file manager in a new tab silently
r Refresh current directory
R Referesh current root
p Go to parent
P Go to root
K Go to the first child of directory
J Go to the last child of directory
Ctrl + j Go the next sibling
Ctrl + k Go to the previous sibiling
u Move up the root directory
r Referesh selected directory
R Referesh root directory
I Toggle hidden files
e Open a selected directory in a new split
m Open a nerd tree menu
gt Go to the next tab
gT Go to the previous tab

Go to (jump) to line

46gg Go to line 46
46G Go to like 46

Set column marker to 80 columns

Vertical selection

Show whitespaces

Vim no plugin (file browser, find, auto completion, etc.)

" disable vi compatibility layer
set nocompatible

" enable syntax highlighting
syntax enable

" for fuzzy file search. 
" use `:find filename`, tab for autocompletion
" to fuzzy search just add * beginning or end of filename
filetype plugin on
set path+=**
" fuzzy search result in a menu using tab or shift + tab
" ^^ can use `:ls` to see open files in buffer and switch between them using `:b filename`.
set wildmenu
" ignores /target directory of maven project
set wildignore+=**/target/**

" tags for jumping here and there in the code where the definition is using
" ctrl + ] go to tag
" ctrl + t back to original place, stack supported. means multiple jump works
" g + ctrl + ] to be able to select implementation instead of interface
command! MakeTags !ctags -R .

" autocompletion in insert mode ctrl + n, ctrl + p
" ctrl + x ctrl + n limit autocompletion to the currenct one
" ctrl + x + ctrl + f  autocompletion of file name. e.g., /home ctrl + x + ctrl + f

" file browser
let g:netrw_banner=0
let g:netrw_browser_split=4
let g:netrw_altv=1
let g:netrw_liststyle=3
let g:netrw_list_hide=netrw_gitignore#Hide()
let g:netrw_list_hide.=',\(^\|\s\s\)\zs\.\S\+'
" :edit -> open a folder. e.g., :edit .
" v/t open in h-split v-split tab

" :read filename -> reads a file and add it to the current buffer/screen

" show line number
set number

" open terminal :ter