List of bash useful commands



Battery fine-tuning: sudo tlp-stat -b && sudo tlp recalibrate
Htop like battery draining report: powertop
Open a file with the default app from terminal: xdg-open test.html
Get audio and video file details: mediainfo file.mp3
Pulse audio terminal mixer: pulsemixer
Convert .bin/.cue to .iso: bchunk IMAGE.bin IMAGE.cue IMAGE.iso
Network bandwidth monitor: sudo apt install bmon
Allow user write to mounted partition: sudo chown -v [username]:[username] /media/[username]/[disk_name]
Put the system in stand by: systemctl suspend
Count number of lines in a project: find . -name '*.java' | xargs wc -l
Manjaro GUI package manager: pamac-manager
Shell script code analyzer: shell [filename]
Get the next word in a matching pattern: awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/patternText/)print $(i+1)}'
Search for a package: aptitude search mpv
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun sudo snap install cnctsun
Create a useless process: tail -f /dev/null
Change timezone (Debian based only): sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Copy symlinks: cp -a
Remove all Unicode characters from file names: for i in *.mp3;do mv "$i" $(echo "$i" | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9._-]//g');done;
Restoring deleted file from NTFS file system (restoring files from a drive): sudo ntfsundelete /dev/sdbx -u -m '*'
Restoring deleted file from NTFS file system (scan a drive): sudo ntfsundelete -s /dev/sdx
Check empty directories in the current path: for dr in ls; do if [ -z "$(ls -A $dr)" ]; then echo "$dr is empty"; fi; done
Sort naturally and one item per line: ls -1av
Find lines are not available in file2.txt: grep -f file2.txt -vFx file1.txt
Format HTML code: tidy -im index.html
Bash go to the begining of a line: Ctrl + a
Bash go to the end of a line: Ctrl + e
Bash skip one word backward: Ctrl + left arrow key Or Alt + b
Bash skip one word forward: Ctrl + right arrow key Or Alt + f
Bash delete to the begining of a line: Ctrl + u
Bash delete to the end of a line: Ctrl + k
Bash delete to the end of a word: Alt + d
Bash reverse search: Ctrl + r
Mount flash drive: sudo fdisk -l && udisksctl mount --block-device /dev/sd[b][1]
Connect to WiFi: sudo nmtui
Convert tree command output to ASCII characters: tree | sed 's/├/\+/g; s/─/-/g; s/└/\\/g'
Epub reader: sudo apt install fbreader
Append two pictures horizontally: convert +append 1.jpg 2.jpg out.jpg
Append two pictures vertically: convert -append 1.jpg 2.jpg out.jpg
Cutting part of a pdf file: pdftk input_file.pdf cat 10-20 output output_file.pdf
Install Latex package: tlmgr install packageName
Convert Latex file to Pdf: pdflatex file.tex
Update locate database index: updatedb
Search a file from index of files (fast search): locate
Pop the path from stack (change directory) to stack path: popd
Push the path to stack: pushd $PWD
Processor info: cat /proc/cpuinfo
Found distro: more /etc/*release
Output command output to clipboard (Ctrl + v): ls > xclip -selection clipboard
Output command output to clipboard (middle click): ls > xclip
Cancel the planned shutdown: shutdown -c
Shutdown in 15 minutes: shutdown -h 15
Show add drives with UUID an filesystem: blkid
Force scan disk in the next reboot: touch /forcefsck
Show hidden file in Nautilus: Ctrl + H
Reload .bashrc fine: . ~/.bashrc
Which process at the moment using I/O: iotop --only
List of process using I/O: iotop
Which process using the Internet: nethogs
Merge Pdf files: pdfunite in.pdf in_1.pdf out.pdf
Access to SAMBA folders: /run/user/1000/gvfs
Play subdirectories files in Mplayer: mplayer -playlist <(find "$PWD" -type f)
Convert Decimal to Hex & Octal: printf "Octal: %o\n Hex: %x" 42 42
Convert Hex to Decimal: echo $((0xFF))
Install JavaFx OpenJdk: sudo apt-get install openjfx
Install pip3: sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Install pip: sudo apt-get install python-pip
Convert .md file to html: pandoc > README.html
Open formatted .md file: pandoc | lynx -stdin
Mv make directory: mkdir -P ~/temp; mv File $_
Search in apt repositories: sudo apt-cache search [Keyword]
Wget download limit, continue, verbose: wget -vc --show-progress --limit-rate=200K [link]
Creat .tar.xz file: tar -cvJf [Dot.xz] [Files/Directories]
Extract .tar.xz file: tar -xvJf [Dot.xz]
Create .xz file: xz -z [A file]
Extract .xz file: xz -d [Dot.xz]
Vim selection shortcut: v [normal selection], Shift + v [whole line]
Vim cut shortcut: d or Shift + d
Vim paste shortcut: p [next to cursor], Shift + p [same place cursor]
Vim copy shortcut: y or Shift + y
Identifying which port MySQL is running: sudo netstat -tlpn | grep mysql
Automatically indent C/C++ code: indent MyCode.c
Changing/removing passphrase from SSH private key: ssh-keygen -f id_dsa -p
Run command upon SSH: ssh test@testserver 'ls && rm -rvf tmp'
SSH in reverse tunneling: ssh -fN -R 7000:localhost:22 username@yourMachine-ipaddress
SSH in tunneling: ssh -fN -L 7000:localhost:22 username@yourMachine-ipaddress
SSH in background : ssh -f test@testserver
Grep search string starting with - : grep -- "-test"
List sub directories only : ls -d */
List directory sort by file size : ls -S
List directory with its sub directory contents : ls -R
Run GUI app on a remote PC using SSH : export DISPLAY=:0
Scan computers open ports in a network : nmap XXX.YYY.ZZZ.*
Getting a Heroku app live log : heroku logs -t --app APP_NAME
Counting number of occurence of ‘;’ char in each line of a file : while read line; do echo "$line" | tr -cd ";" | wc -c; done < 'FILE'
Removing space from a file : cat FILE | sed 's/ //g'
Randomly shuffling files in bash : cat FILE1 FILE2 | shuf
Updating Ubuntu packages in terminal : sudo apt-get upgrade
Removing old kernels in Ubuntu : sudo apt-get autoremove
Add word prediction to Vim permanently : echo set complete+=kspell >> ~/.vimrc
Add permanent spell checking for Vi for .txt files : echo autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt setlocal spell >> ~/.vimrc
Add line number permanently to Vi : echo set number >> ~/.vimrc
Find wireless card chipset information : lspci | grep -i wireless
Making soft link without giving full path : ln -s [$(pwd)/fileName] [des path]
Making soft link : ln -s [src path] [des path]
Finding a location of man page : man -wa foo
Activating Vim spell checker : set spell spellang=en_us
Mounting Virtualbox share folder : mount -t vboxsf [Share folder name] [Mount point]
Search for package in Apt : apt-cache search [Keyword]
Accessing ssh with key : ssh -i [Public key] user@domain
Accessing new sftp with key : sftp -i [Public key] user@domain
Accessing old sftp with key : sftp -o IdentityFile=[Public Key] user@domain
Comparing text files : vimdiff [File1] [File2]
Sync files (copy) : rsync -avh --progress [source] [destination]
Move progress bar : rsync -avh --progress --remove-source-files [source] [destination]
Compare pdf files : diffpdf
Forward Gnome via SSH : ssh -X -C [email protected] and gnome-session
Set password for teamviewer from Terminal : sudo teamviewer --passwd mypassword
Get your public IP : curl
Console matrix screen saver : cmatrix
Printing something constantly : yes say hello
Reverse word : rev
Extract the sentence after particular word and replace with comma, sort and remove duplicate values : less Mylog.txt | grep -o 'world.*' | cut -f2- -d':' | tr -s ',' '\n' | sort | uniq
Replace comma with new line : less Mylog.txt | tr -s ',' '\n'
Extract the sentence after particular word in a file : less Mylog.txt | grep -o "word.*" | cut -f2- -d':'
Knowing who is logged in : sudo w
Getting the last system reboot : sudo last reboot
Getting the ip of the hostname : sudo hostname -i
Getting the system hostname : sudo hostname
Getting the system uptime : sudo uptime
Giving ownership of a file to a user : sudo chown Username FileName
Adding user to a group : sudo useradd -G G-Name Username
Removing vocal from song : sox 1.mp3 1_no_vocal.mp3 oops
Gray Scaling picture : convert IMAGE.png -colorspace Gray IMAGE1.png
Resizing picture : convert IMAGE.png -resize 200x100 IMAGE1.png
Sorting & getting unique values of 31th column of a CSV file : awk -F ',' '{print $31}' FILE.csv | sort | uniq
Sorting 31th column of a CSV file : awk -F ',' '{print $31}' FILE.csv | sort
Filtering 3rd and 31th columns of a CSV file based on a string : awk -F ',' '{print $6, $31}' FILE.csv | grep 'STRING'
Getting 3rd and 31th columns from a CSV file : awk -F ',' '{print $6, $31}' FILE.csv
Getting number of columns of a CSV file : head -1 FILE.csv | sed 's/[^,]//g' | wc -c
Discover hosts and services on a computer network : nmap
Getting number of files in a folder : ls -l | wc -l
Checking niceness of a comand : nice
An interactive process manager : htop
Create a directory on specific path : mkdir -p /home/kasra/test
Getting directory size : du -sh
Command line calander : cal
Showing last K line of file : tail 1.txt -n K
Showing first K line of file : head 1.txt -n K
Monitor file updates/change : tail -f 1.txt
Looking for a file : find / -name foo
Sort lines of text files : sort 1.txt
Sort lines of text files : sort 1.txt
Execute command after exit Shell : nohup command-name &
Counting number of line in a file : wc -l FileName
Counting number of word in a file : wc -w FileName
Counting number of character in a file : wc -m FileName
Initializing the console again : reset
Getting full path of a file : realpath 1.txt
Create arguments for commands : xrags
Update access and modification date of files without opening : touch 1.txt
Sticky note : sudo apt-get install xpad
CLI note : sudo apt-get install note
Change default editor for Crontab : sudo select-editor
Crontab log file : grep CRON /var/log/syslog
Writing in a multiple files at same time : ls | tee f1.txt f2.txt
Play noise with output of a command : ls | aplay
Print the route packets trace to network host : traceroute
Display manual page descriptions : whatis ls
Historical events calendar : calendar
Getting content of a file sorted : sort f1.txtr
Running sudo command without entering password : echo "rootPassword" | sudo -S mkdir /root/test123
Executing multiple commands with sudo : sudo -- sh -c 'rm -rvf /root/test123; whoami; mkdir /root/tpx'
Shutdown pc : shutdown -h now
Getting kernel version : uname -r
Getting distro & release version : lsb_release -a
Getting a website ip address : nslookup
Getting a domain information : whois
Ping a server with a port (TCP) : nc -vz 8080
Ping a server witha port (UDP) : nc -vz -u 8080